The Great Scarf Exchange

After we turn them in, they will be photographed and the top 60 will be featured in a book. Then the scarves will be on exhibit at the Howard County Center for the Arts. I'm not sure how long they will be there, but after that (Jan 2010, whew!) we'll then get the scarves back - but the scarf I get won't be the scarf I wove - scarf exchange! Exciting, huh?

The first scarf here is a bamboo warp (crocus purple) and rayon weft (natural). I came up with the pattern using a demo version of a weaving pattern program. It looks rather complicated, but the threading and treadling were pretty easy. I was able to divide the treadling into 8 sections per repeat and then weave from that. After each 'section' I would check my work for mistakes. I had to unweave a few times, but not too often. It took about 2 nights to weave it off.

The second scarf is a warp of Jojoland Superwash Wool and Bambu 7 for the weft. You may remember the Colorful Warp posting... And here is the finished scarf:
